Ichthus Leiden is a small and informal Christian student group. We meet weekly to share meals, do Bible study and generally enjoy our life as students. Guests are always welcome, so please feel free to visit us, to come join us for a meal and a good evening.
Dutch or English?
We're a group of (mostly) Dutch students, so our evenings normally take place in Dutch.
Want to visit?
Do check the agenda on the homepage for our upcoming evenings and location. Usually, you can find us on Wednesday evening in Leger des Heils (Groenesteeg 66, Leiden). We start at 18.00.
If you want to let us you know you'd like to visit, please send an e-mail to our secretary (abactis@ichthusleiden.nl)
If you want to meet up with other internationals and Dutch (Christian) students, you might want to check out Host! This is an organisation for international students, organised by Christian students from around Leiden who are passionate about meeting new people and organising fun events – and who are proud of their city! Their aim is to make international students feel at home in Leiden. You don’t have to be a Christian to come along; everyone is welcome. They are looking forward to meeting you!
Other events and programmes
- a host family programme
- an eat&meet programme
- an opportunity to meet local people and make friends
- an opportunity to practice your English and perhaps pick up a little Dutch
- an Alpha Course
- a Bible study group
- Be Present: one-day volunteer projects with other Dutch and international students to help locals in need
- extra events, like the Christmas Carols in December
- trips to interesting places
Get in touch
You can find Host Leiden and their events on Facebook. There is also a website, and you can e-mail them at host@ifes.nl.
Contrast is organized by a group of local Christian students. Most of them are members of the four Christian student groups in Leiden.
Contrast is part of IFES-ISM, the international student ministry branch of IFES, the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. Please find more information on their website.